2024 3rd International Conference on Power System and Energy Technology (ICPSET 2024)
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Excellent Paper Award | 优秀论文奖 jiang.png

  • The Excellent Paper award will be selected by the Program Committee according to the quality of the paper.

  • 将由程序委员会根据投稿稿件的质量评选出优秀论文。

Excellent Oral Presentation Award | 优秀口头报告奖 jiang.png

  • The Excellent Oral Presentation will be selected by the Program Committee according to the originality, applicability, Technical Merit, Slide and the presentation .

  • 将由程序委员会根据报告及文章的创意,适用性,技术优势,PPT,现场报告效果来选出本场最佳口头报告。

Excellent Poster Award | 优秀海报奖 jiang.png

  • The Excellent Poster Award will be selected by the Program Committee according to the design of the poster and .

  • 将由程序委员会根据海报的设计,适用性,技术优势、创新性等维度选出优秀海报。

The awards will be selected by the conference jury, and the incentive money as well as prizes will be awarded on the spot, with the final interpretation rights belonging to the organizing committee of the 2024 3rd International Conference on Power System and Energy Technology.

奖项由会议评审委员会统一评选,将现场颁发鼓励金以及奖品,最终解释权归第三届电力系统与能源技术国际学术会议(ICPSET 2024)组委会所有。